Halfling (Mark of Hospitality)

  • Ability Scores: Dexterity +2; Charisma +1

  • Creature Type: Humanoid

  • Size: Small

  • Speed: 25 feet

Age. A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.

Size. Halflings average about 3 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.

Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.

Halfling Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Halfling. The Halfling language isn't secret, but halflings are loath to share it with others. They write very little, so they don't have a rich body of literature. Their oral tradition, however, is very strong. Almost all halflings speak Common to converse with the people in whose lands they dwell or through which they are traveling.

Ever Hospitable. When you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check or an ability check involving brewer's supplies or cook's utensils, you can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the ability check.

Innkeeper's Magic. You know the prestidigitation cantrip. You can also cast the purify food and drink and unseen servant spells with this trait. Once you cast either spell with this trait, you can't cast that spell with it again until you finish long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Spells of the Mark. If you have the Spellcasting or the Pact Magic class feature, the spells on the Mark of Hospitality Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class.

Mark of Hospitality Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st goodberry, sleep
2nd aid, calm emotions
3rd create food and water, Leomund's tiny hut
4th aura of purity, Mordenkainen's private sanctum
5th hallow

You may roll for your character's height and weight on the Random Height and Weight table. The roll in the Height Modifier column adds a number (in inches) to the character's base height. To get a weight, multiply the number you rolled for height by the roll in the Weight Modifier column and add the result (in pounds) to the base weight.

Random Height and Weight
Base Height Base Weight Height Modifier Weight Modifier
2'7" 35 lb. +2d4 × 1 lb.


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